Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm so disheartened right now. Hope hasn't been doing well at school and I'm so frustrated at her I don't know what to do. She is so bright and wonderful, but it obviously doesn't come across at school. We've been through the medications before for ADHD but I'm pretty sure that is where we are headed again. I feel like a failure as a mother. I'm overwhelmed trying to get all three of them fed, bathed, and in clean clothes that unfortunately homework for Hope has fallen to the wayside. Brad not being here most evenings doesn't help anything either.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Grace's Word Wall Words

Grace has been practicing her Word Wall Words. We are so proud of her!












Sunday, November 30, 2008

First blog

I've decided to join the world of blogging....don't know who would be interested in my inner most thoughts, but maybe somewhere out there....We've just made it through the Thanksgiving holiday and either a bout of the stomach flu or food poisoning. Not sure which.
Had the oldest and youngest at the doctor today. Bryce is now 20 lb 6 oz. He has the worst diaper rash that I've ever seen. Poor baby screams when you start to put him on his changing table. He also has a sinus infection. Hope has asthma and needed new meds.
That's the day in our exciting lives. And tomorrow I go back to work.